How many pesticides do you consume in a day? If you eat potatoes, instead of sweet potatoes, you chomp on lots more of these nasty chemicals. In fact potatoes contain so many pesticides (the EPA lists 90 for spuds) that removal of the skin, where the contaminants mostly hang out, is recommended. In an EWG list of the “Dirty Dozen” vegetables and fruits MOST contaminated with pesticides, potatoes come in at number 11. In a superior list of the “Clean 15” LEAST contaminated veggies and fruits, sweet potatoes are at number 14.
On top of this, guess which one of the two veggies ranks number one in the nutrition department? Yep, sweet potatoes. Based on a system of points given by CSPI for dietary fiber, natural sugars, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals and after deducting points for fat content, sodium and cholesterol, sweet potatoes score a whopping 184 points. This is FULL 100 points over the next nutritious vegetable, making sweet potatoes the undisputed Ruler of the healthful vegetable kingdom.
A 6-oz. sweet potato contains 214 calories. With its’ super high nutrient value, it’s considered a beneficial substitute for starches and carbs and is recommended in three popular diets: the Atkins, Sugar Busters and South Beach Diets.
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